CAMPUS Køge is an educational melting pot of youth, secondary, and higher educations, which enables everyone to educate themselves based on their talents and within their field of interests. The campus is the result of the collaboration between the municipalities of Køge and Stevns, the Region of Zealand, the local business community, and 12 different educational institutions.
Together, our partners set out to ensure the citizens of the region easier access to new knowledge and a strong connection to the local community. CAMPUS Køge is the home of ingenuity, and smart hands and heads, which results in an attractive and inspiring learning environment where study meets spare time and education meets business community.
At CAMPUS Køge, we endeavor to create an environment where everyone can grow, get inspired and most importantly, thrive while they acquire new knowledge. We wish to pave the educational path of our students and course participants with a zest for lifelong learning, reflection, and curiosity. Educating for a future and diverse labor market is our finest task.
At CAMPUS Køge we unite education, innovation and business.
At CAMPUS Køge, we want to be perceived as a guarantor for development, ingenuity, and locality.
We aim to provide the educational standard for the future Danish workforce. We will meet this vision by ensuring an attractive learning environment with knowledgeable teachers, who will provide our students and course participants with the needed professional competences and curiosity. Furthermore, we aim to act as a catalyst for innovative method approaches and the development of new business models, which shall contribute to growth within the region.
CAMPUS Køge’s five points of vision:
A dynamo for innovation
We want to create a sustainable and evolving foundation for creative learning, ensuring that more ideas see the light of day. New ways of thinking and creativity shall raise the quality of our education, as well as strengthen the entrepreneurial efforts in the local community. Innovation is the regions source of future growth.
An easier access to new knowledge
We want to educate the most qualified candidates for the labor market of the future. By offering a varied and progressive educational map, we secure the best competences, and create incentive among the region’s citizens to anchor themselves locally.
A dynamic and safe study environment
CAMPUS Køge intends to be a holistic community where study unites with spare time and education with business community. The campus landscape will have engaging learning environments, activities, and offers that lead to co-creation and new acquaintances for all citizens in the region. At CAMPUS Køge, a welcoming atmosphere and mutual respect enables everyone to complete an education.
An attractive workplace
We want to create a teaching community wherein our teachers thrive, grow and inspire each other. We will attract the best and most motivated teachers through a highly professional and safe environment with strategic development of competencies and interinstitutional collaborations. All to secure the best role models for our students and course participants.
A beacon for Køge
We want to brand Køge as a local and regional hub for education and thereby attract qualified workforce locally, nationally, and internationally. We will place Køge on the educational map by founding global and innovative perspectives in a local environment with proud traditions.
At CAMPUS Køge, we want to
Educate our students and course participants in interdisciplinary curiosity and creativity, which will inspire to lifelong learning.
Equip our students and course participants with the right competences in order to secure systematic learning and reflection.
Give our students and course participants the opportunity to cooperate and co-create in an attractive, developing and interdisciplinary community, which, through relations, will prepare them for a diverse labor market.
Provide a safe environment for our students and course participants, and teach them to take care of themselves and others.